Colorado Medical License

Colorado Medical License

To be safe and take a better care of your health you’d be better to confirm if the doctor has a medical license or not. Because of its importance, Colorado makes it easy to complete a Colorado medical license lookup. Whether you want to confirm that your license is on the Colorado medical license lookup lists or Colorado physician license lookup lists, or you want to verify that someone isn’t lying about their license you can use Colorado medical board license lookup.

How do you get a Colorado medical license?

To get a medical license in Colorado isn’t so hard. If you have a proof of graduation from a medical school, you pass all the required exams, complete the postgraduate education and have reference letters from your practice supervisors you can apply for the Colorado Medical license to Colorado Medical Board (CMB).

It’s up to you where and which medical school you want to graduate. But it is a mandatory to pass the following two exams: National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) and United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE). To register and learn more about the NBME exam you can on their official website. About the USMLE exam you can learn here.

You should submit the following documents to the Colorado Medical Board for your license:

  • The original transcript from your medical school,
  • The postgraduate training transcript about attending in internships, residencies and fellowships,
  • Reference letters from your supervisors,
  • Proof of malpractice insurance or claim of exemption,
  • The grades of the NBME and USMLE exams,
  • National Practitioner Data Bank Self-Query Form.
  • You can fill the form here.
  • Verification of disciplinary from the Federation of State Medical Boards. You can apply for the verification.

If you choose a medical school out of the state Colorado, you will need to pass Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates Exam (ECFMG). You can register for the exam on their official website.

The process and documents are the same. You should submit your documents to the Medical Board of Colorado.

You will need to pay $412 for your Colorado Medical License. The entire licensing process may take approximately two months.

Your Colorado Medical license will be valid for three years. You will need to renew your license online on the Colorado Division of Professions and Occupations Online Services website. The online license renewal will be open for you 4-6 weeks before the license expiration date.

What is the easiest medical license to get in Colorado?

Above is described the process how you apply for your Colorado Medical license to the Medical Board of Colorado. But there is another way, which will help you to get your license easily and faster.
The Medical Licensure Group will help you to obtain your Colorado medical license faster. Here are the three main steps, which make the process of obtaining the license easier:

  • Pre-qualification analysis to ensure eligibility.
  • Simple intake form and state application preparation.
  • Credentials Verification, Application Tracking and Licensing.

You can go to the Medical licensure group official website and learn more about the services they provide and how you can apply them.

Elen G

Elen G

Elen is an English-Armenian-Russian translator and interpreter. But recently she tested her skills in content writing. According to her words, it's her new passion. Elen finds it more interesting to make searches and write content rather than look through the dictionaries to find a good synonym for a word. She hopes, that she will succeed in this field too, and will continue to grow and learn every day.